Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Poetry Out Loud!

For the next two week's we're gonna do something a bit different - something some of you might have done with your English classes in recent years - something some of you saw performances of but never did yourself - something that might be completely new to some of you - Poetry Out Loud!

Find out more here: Poetry Out Loud

Here is the schedule for the next two weeks: Poetry Out Loud calendar


Dear Seniors,

Happy start of second semester - your final semester (hopefully!) of high school!

Today, we begin the Poetry Out Loud experience!!! For the rest of this week and next week, our entire focus will be Poetry Out Loud, a national poetry recitation competition. 

Yes, that’s right; each of you will recite—from memory—a poem as part of this Senior English class’s contest to determine which one of you will compete to be the DHS champion! From there, the winner will move on to the state level - two years ago, DHS had the state runner-up!

To start, complete the following assignment:
  1. Go to the  Poetry Out Loud website. Check it out - browse around a bit - see what it is all about.
  2. Go to the Find a Poem section. Your goal is to choose three potential poems to work with for this project.  You are welcome to search through the poems however you'd like. You may want to identify poems by looking through the poets listed and reading poems by poets you’ve heard of or are familiar with.
  3. Find THREE poems from the expansive list of approved poems on the Poetry Out Loud website that you would be willing and/or interested in reciting in the competition. Be sure you’re happy with all three.
  4. Create a Word/Google document. Cut and paste each of the poems into this document (be sure to include the title and poet of each poem). And, below each poem in this document, write a short explanation naming what you like or find interesting about the poem.
  5. Then, print a copy of EACH of the three poems. Be sure to bring these to class tomorrow.