Monday, March 23, 2015

The Stranger - Final discussion and questions

To finish out our work with The Stranger I handed out this set of questions for discussion and possible use for your essay.

Remember you are able to write your choice of essay, regardless of what you wrote last time: single-text analytic, intertextual, or a personal hybrid.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Stranger - Day 7 - The Trial, Part 2

(My apologies for not being there today - I’m pretty sick and needed to stay home. I hope this look at the trial will prove to be interesting and give you the chance to explore some of the challenging issues in the book.)

Yesterday you read chapter 3 of part 2 - the start of Meursault’s trial. In reviewing the different characters who appear in the courtroom, both as witnesses and conductors of the trial, as well as the views of Meursault himself, you started to explore the ways in which he is being portrayed to the court, and the impact it is having on him.

Today you’ll focus on chapter 4. Take some time to read it now, if you need.  

You’ll be working with your group today. Please create a new Google Doc and share it with the members of your group, and with me.

Here is a brief summary of the chapter:

The chapter starts and ends in court. Meursault talks about the prosecutor talking about him and we get the thrust of the case against him. After the prosecutor's speech Meursault is given the opportunity to speak but he doesn't make himself understood and some people laugh at him. The session adjourns for lunch. When they get back Meursault's lawyer delivers a long speech. Meursault is distracted and doesn't listen to most of it. As evening approaches, Meursault is taken out while the jury deliberated upon the case. His lawyer seems confident and predicts that Meursault might get away with a few years in prison or hard labour. Meursault asks about the possibility of getting the sentence quashed if it's unfavorable. They wait for almost three quarters of an hour before being summoned back. Meursault is told he will be decapitated in a public square in the name of the French people.

With your group, answer these questions in the Google Doc - feel free to divide up the work however you’d like:

  1. Boredom. Meursault gets bored at his own trial. Is Meursault's boredom a sign of his emotional detachment or a description of what it's like to be on trial? Would most people find themselves drifting in and out of concentration?
  2. The speeches of the prosecutor and the defense - how much of a difference is there between them? What are they each asking for?
  3. Silence. Meursault is told to keep silent. Why? If you were Meursault's lawyer, would you want him on the stand?
  4. Silence #2. What might Meursault actually say, if he had the chance? Why do you think so? What does he actually end up saying? What is the impact?
  5. The death penalty. Look closely at the prosecutor’s argument. How is he portraying Meursault? Why is he saying Meursault needs to be put to death?
  6. The lawyer's defense. What point is he trying to make about Meursault, and his soul? What do you think of the way he crafts his defense?
  7. Physical needs. What are the ways in which Meursault’s physical needs play a role in the trial? Think about sleep, sounds, images of Marie, the heat, and other details.
  8. The sentence. What type of sentence is Meursault and his lawyer expecting? Why?
  9. The sentence #2. What sentence does Meursault receive? What is the impact of it on the different people in the scene?

To prepare for our look at the end of the novel, please make sure to read chapter 5 tonight. You can get started on it at the end of class if you finish the questions above.

The Stranger - Day 6 - The Trial

Today you spent the first part of class reading chapter 3 of part 2 - the start of Meursault's trial. I gave you this handout to guide your reading and the short discussion you had afterwards with your group.

For the last 15 minutes of class you wrote individual responses to the start of the trial, based on the questions at the bottom of the page.

The Stranger - Day 5 - The law and religion

We started Monday with a look at a murder - Meursault's killing of the Arab on the last page of part 1 (p. 59). In our conversation we noticed the language was filled with words about the light, the heat, and the glare of the sun off the knife, and the ways in which they impacted Meursault's thinking. At the end of the scene he not only kills the Arab, but then shoots 4 more times at the lifeless body - "like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness."

Why?  That is what the investigators want to know at the start of part 2, as Meursault is now in the hands of the law. In discussing this scene we looked at ways Meursault describes himself - physical needs getting in the way of emotions, among others - and how the magistrate and lawyer see him. They ask about his feelings for Maman, and then move to the issue of religion. At one point while waving a crucifix above Meursault's head, the magistrate screams that he can't understand why Meursault doesn't believe in God.

Why does it matter what another person believes? Why are they so interested in his beliefs and values?

At the start of class I played a song for you - The Cure's "Killing an Arab" - here is a link to the lyrics. Why is it that Meursault believes "whatever I choose it amounts to the same / absolutely nothing"?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Stranger - Day 4 - Philosophy

What do we believe? Why? How do we know what others believe? What are the sources of belief?

Today we'll start by examining chapter 5, specifically Meursault's interactions with his boss and Marie.  Based on those sections, how would you complete these sentences:

  • Meursault believes ______________
  • Merusault does not believe _____________

Then we'll turn our attention to his observations of the "robot woman" at the cafe. In what ways in she similar to / different from Meursault? Why is he so fascinated by her?

Lastly, what can we learn about Meursault from this chapter - and how does it expand / complicate our understanding of him?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Stranger - Day 3 - Relationships

In group today you started by sharing personal stories of a random person in your life - maybe someone you see in your neighborhood or who works at a store - someone you see on a somewhat regular basis but don't really "know."

Then we shifted to a look at chapter 3, especially the characters Salamano and Raymond Sintes. After a short discussion of your observations about them, you wrote an original 6-line dialogue capturing the essence of the relationship that character has with Meursault.

Next, I read chapter 4 out loud. After a short conversation about the events in that chapter you discussed these questions:

  • How does Meursault experience life?
  • What similarities are there between Meursault and Raymond / Salamano?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Special post - Fraternity racist chant at Oklahoma University

Here is a link to the most recent information about this challenging story.

The Stranger - Day 2 - Rules of Notice

In groups today you started by telling a story - one word at a time - so each person contributed equally to your story. Hopefully that will continue with the rest of your work in your group!

Next I gave you this handout - "Rules of Notice"  - from Peter Rabinowitz.  It lists the details you usually notice during your reading of a book, but is calling attention to that process. Your group will work through the list and perhaps even notice more than you did the first time through.  You will then collect all of your observations onto a poster.

Then, you will use those observations to discuss these questions:
  1. What does this chapter suggest about Meursault’s relationship with Marie? What do they mean to each other? What does he think about the way he acts with her?
  2. What role does time play for Meursault?
  3. Is Meursault a lonely or empty character? In what ways?
  4. Look at the last line of chapter two, then think about how chapter one began – how has your thinking of his developed over these two chapters? What sentiment is he expressing in these closing words?

The Stranger - Day 1

Today we started our work with Albert Camus's The Stranger.  You will be working in these groups during this brief unit.  I had you introduce yourselves to each other by having you find five things you have in common.

Jacob L
Jacob M

Jack F
Matt V
Matt P
Jack L

Jamie C
Jamie H
Michael K
Michael M

I read chapter 1 out loud and then asked you to keep track of these things:

  • Initial observations about Meursault
  • Initial observations about other characters
  • Initial observations about the setting

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Myth of Sisyphus

Today in class we'll read and discuss Camus's essay "The Myth of Sisyphus" as our introduction to the author and his ideas.

Here is a link to the essay
Here is a link to the glossary and discussion questions

Although there is no specific homework for the weekend, you may want to get started reading the novel.  Here are links to the calendars:

Monday, March 2, 2015

Our next book - The Stranger

While you are busy completing your essay for Life of Pi, please do make time to purchase a copy of our next book - The Stranger by Albert Camus.  You will need a copy of it for Thursday / Friday.