Monday, August 31, 2015

Oedipus the King - Day 2

Today we will be working in pairs - use this list to find your partner.

You will share the explication you wrote over the weekend for the first section of Oedipus. With your partner, you will use this rubric to give each other feedback. This is the same rubric we will use for the next several weeks as we work on explications.

With your partner you also read aloud the conversation between Oedipus and Tieresias, then identified a key line said by each character.

Your homework tonight is to read through line 915 and write an explication of 4-6 lines. Note that this will be turned in at the start of class tomorrow.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Oedipus the King - Day 1

Today we will start our work with Sophocles' Oedipus the King.

Our focus for this play will be on explications (click for a detailed description).

We will also discuss the role of the chorus in Greek drama. Check out this clip for some fun modern versions of it:

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Children's books

Today in class you will each have the opportunity to share a favorite book from your childhood. Yesterday we read Green Eggs and Ham then discussed different ways we can understand its message. Tonight, you will do that for your book: here is a link to your assignment.

You will submit your essay to  Use these codes to sign up for your class period:

  • 1st period - class ID: 10502189 / code word: oedipus
  • 6th period - class ID: 10502216 / code word: antigone
  • 8th period - class ID: 10502231 / code word: sophocles

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!

Greetings and happy start of senior year!
It was great to meet all of you and hear your #hashtags and stories about your summer experiences. I have a feeling you will have more to say and share about them as the year progresses.

Please remember to buy copies of Oedipus and Antigone and Hamlet from the bookstore.

You'll need Oedipus and Antigone for class on Friday.