Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The God of Small Things - Journal Entries

During our reading of the novel, several in-class activities count as your journal entries.  Also, several times I had us end a discussion/ activity (such as when you made posters showing a scene from multiple perspectives) early and had you write a response that could count as the journal entry for that chapter.  Here is a list of what you need to submit as a complete set:

  • Chapter 1 entry - written in class
  • Chapter 2 - Quiz 1
  • Chapter 3 journal entry
  • Chapter 4 journal entry
  • Chapter 5 journal entry (in class)
  • Chapter 6 journal entry (in class - poster)
  • Chapter 7 & 8 journal entry
  • Chapter 9 & 10 - Quiz 2
  • Chapter 11 & 12 journal entry
  • Chapter 13 & 14 - Group work - Google Doc character study
  • Chapter 15 - 18 journal entry
  • Chapter 19 - 21 journal entry