Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Life of Pi - essay assignment

Your essay for Life of Pi is due at the start of next week on turnitin.com.

For 2nd and 3rd period, you will have time in the computer lab on Monday (March 10th).
For 7th period, you will have time in the computer lab on Tuesday (March 11th).

For all sections, the essay is due at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th.

Here are the requirements for the essay:

  • Select either a single-text analytic essay or a personal-hybrid essay.
    • Review the essay descriptions and rubrics on the blog.
  • Your essay needs to be a minimum of 6 pages. This is computed by using 12 point Times New Roman font with double spacing. This converts to roughly 1450 words.  
    • Not sure about how long your essay is?  Try this cool tool: http://www.wordstopages.com/
    • I will not accept essays shorter than this required length.
  • Your essay needs to explore the entire novel, not just one of the sections.
    • We know about Pi's life before, during, and after his ordeal on the Pacific Ocean.  Be sure to use information from all of those sections.
I'll also remind you about the different class work / writing assignments we've done, all of which should be helpful for you in preparation for this essay. (You can look at the details of these by clicking on the name to go to the corresponding blog post, if there was one) You have lots to work with!