Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hamlet - Act 3 and Journal Entries Reminder

This week our work with Hamlet included:

  • Watching 2.1 - 3.1 of the film in E116
  • Writing our own version of Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy, transplanting a line from it to create something new
  • Creating a rebus version of Claudius's speech in 3.1 following these directions:
Also, please remember to be writing your journal responses. The requirement is one per act. Use your journal as an opportunity to explore ideas. You could continue to write about ideas we raise in class, to ask and answer questions about parts of the text we have not covered, to make connections to personal or other issues, or to generate a creative response to characters and / or actions and / or concerns in the text.  Each entry should be about a page long, and must include text. Writing about it while it is fresh in your mind will be helpful when it comes time for your essay / project!