Sunday, May 1, 2016

Philosophy Project - Final Week!

Happy Monday! Happy May!

As you prepare for the busy week ahead, I want to briefly check in with each of you through this brief survey - please take a few minutes to complete it:

The buzz of activity in class last week was a positive one! As you start to turn your attention toward part 5, here are a few thoughts and suggestions :
  • This section synthesizes your original ideas with those of a literary text, a philosopher, and a peer.  You may address each of these sources in a separate paragraph (recommended), or organize this section by ideas / questions, or whatever other structure works for you.
  • The goal of this section is to name how you are now answering your question. It may be that you have a definitive answer, or new questions, or more confusion, or anywhere in between - all of these, of course, are acceptable responses.
  • You do not need new evidence in this section, but you may include some if that works for you. All of the previous evidence you quoted is considered part of the paper at this point, and you may refer to it as much as you need. You do not need to re-quote it.
  • You are writing in the first person - this is all about the "I" voice.  Therefore, you may also want to speak about the process - which steps were most helpful to you, and why? Which ones were the most challenging? Which ones made you see different perspectives on your question?
As always, I am happy to conference with you about this or any other section of your essay.  Happy writing!