Monday, August 22, 2016

Happy Monday!

Today we shared hashtags then made up stories about our summers.
I read Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham to you. We talked about potential different meanings of the story, from the importance of trying to things to succumbing to peer pressure.

For tomorrow, you will bring in a children's book of your own - a book you loved or was important to you for whatever reason. If you can't find the physical book, do your best to find a version of it on line. You will read from it and talk about it in class tomorrow as a way to introduce yourself and help each of us get to know you.

Also, please be sure to buy a copy of Oedipus & Antigone to have in class for Wednesday.
In addition, please be sure to bring a charged chromebook, notebook, and pen to class each day.

See you tomorrow!