Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Things Fall Apart - Day 7

Here is the message I shared with you at the start of our time in the library today:

Greetings! Happy Tuesday! Ok, today is a big push through part 2 of Things Fall Apart, and a lot start to happen. Specifically, these chapters mark the arrival of the missionaries. Keep a close eye on who they are, what they hope to do, and how they do it. Up to this point we’ve discussed customs, traditions, and rituals, as well as different reason behind Okonkwo’s thoughts and actions. How do those factors appear in these pages? I recommend keeping track of your thoughts about these questions, and whatever else comes to mind, as annotations, notebooks entries, or whatever else you prefer. This will be especially helpful since we won’t fully talk or write about the book until after break. Do your best to stay focused today as you read through this section - I know this is a busy week and your mind is a million places between hearing from colleges and winter vacation. Mine is too! Spend an hour letting your mind travel…