Monday, May 8, 2017

Philosophy - Final Work Day!!

Happy Monday!

So here it is - your final day of in-class time to work on the Philosophy project.

I do not have anything new to add here that hasn't been said before.

You have all been working so hard for these past few weeks.
I hope the journey has been rewarding in many ways.

Your essay is due Tuesday by 6:00 p.m.

We will not have time in class Tuesday to work on it.

Please be sure to put all of the parts into one document, and then double-check that everything is there before you upload it to

Late work, for any reason, means you will take the final.

For the rest of the week, we'll have some time together, including some fun, a chance to say thank you to people important to you, and an opportunity to bring some closure to our community.

I wish you all deep thoughts and the energy to express them clearly!
I can't wait to read your work!

Enjoy Beyonce's "Countdown" to get you through the last push!