Friday, November 14, 2014

The God of Small Things - Language and Meaning

This week we've been looking at the ways in which Arundhati Roy uses language in new and innovative ways to tell the story.  In addition to the similes we discussed in chapter one, we now add an awareness of repeated words and phrases.  We focused on a few - ones used to describe certain characters.  Esta's "Elvis puff" and Rahel's "fountain in a Love-in-Tokyo" appear at different times in the narrative as key physical details. However other phrases, like Esta repeating "dum dum" (from the Popeye theme song) or "loved a little less" as Ammu shouts to Rahel, take on other layers of potential meaning.  By now the structure of the narrative and basic relationships should be clear, and an understanding of the stories and motivations behind each character should be developing.  As recent chapters have included the arrival of Sophie Mol - a 9 year-old character we know will die - as well as the introduction of other characters whose role is increasing - Velutha - we see the action and tension building.  Enjoy reading!