Monday, November 17, 2014

The God of Small Things - Seeing from different persepctives; Untouchables

In class today you worked in groups to select a scene from either chapter 6 or 8 - a scene showing the same event from different perspectives. Remember we first discussed this in relation to the start of chapter 4 when Esta comes out of the bathroom and Ammu rubs his head - for her it is a sign of love, for him it is a frustration because she messed up his Elvis puff.  For today's work, you'll find a moment that functions in the same way and then illustrate it.

We'll then look at chapter 8 together, focusing on the arrival of the family at the house, especially the encounter between Rahel and Velutha on page 168.  We'll pause to watch this video, which provides us with helpful background information on Paravans - Untouchables.  Velutha was first introduced to us earlier in the book - I recommend re-reading pages 70-78 to remind yourself of some valuable information about him.