Friday, October 16, 2015

Hamlet - Day 11 - Themes

At the start of class today you made a list on the board of the things you ate or drank before coming to class. Then I asked you to think about the different ways to group them. Here are some of the answer you had:
  • Liquids and Solids
  • Things made at home / things made at a restaurant
  • Hot and cold items
  • Things with more / less carbohydrates
  • Things with one word / multiple words
Once you named these topics, I asked you to think about them as themes - once we identify a theme, and we use that to look back at the examples, what conclusions can we make?

We further illustrated this with a look back at Antigone. We noted how in that play there were three characters who committed suicide. But once we've identified that topic, how does it turn into a theme? What is the play saying about suicide?  Here are some of your answers:
  • The suicides of Antigone, Haemon, and Eurydice were punishments for Creon's power-hungry actions and attitude
  • Those who do not follow / listen to the gods will be punished
  • Some characters do not know how to deal with challenges and see suicide as a way out
We finished the class with this in-class writing: Hamlet Act III writing