Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Stranger - Day 8

Today I shared a short lecture about Existentialism - here is a link to the slide show I used:

Afterwards we looked at the last four pages of the book and discussed the ways in which Meursault's response to the chaplain, his thoughts about Maman, and the finals words of the book do / don't fit into this definition.

Then, I gave you a copy of the essay assignment for The Stranger

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Stranger - Day 7

Today we'll work in pairs - I'll assign you one of these question to explore, based on what happens in the second chapter about the trial (Part 2, Chapter 4).

  1. Boredom. Meursault gets bored at his own trial. Is Meursault's boredom a sign of his emotional detachment or a description of what it's like to be on trial?
  2. The speeches of the prosecutor and the defense - how much of a difference is there between them? What are they each asking for?
  3. Silence. Meursault is told to keep silent. Why? If you were Meursault's lawyer, would you want him on the stand?
  4. The death penalty. Look closely at the prosecutor’s argument. How is he portraying Meursault? Why is he saying Meursault needs to be put to death?
  5. The lawyer's defense. What point is he trying to make about Meursault, and his soul? What do you think of the way he crafts his defense?
  6. Physical needs. What are the ways in which Meursault’s physical needs play a role in the trial? Think about sleep, sounds, images of Marie, the heat, and other details.
  7. The sentence. What type of sentence is Meursault and his lawyer expecting? Why?
  8. Remorse. Does Meursault feel it? What role does it play the scene?
  9. Meursault’s inner thoughts. What else is on his mind during this scene?

Once you're done with your initial conversation, I'm going to have you write a creative response. You will write a paragraph in the voice of your topic. So for example, you will write about "remorse" by starting this way: "I am remorse, and I feel..." I'll give more specific directions in class.

Friday, March 18, 2016

The Stranger - Day 6

We spent today in the library, reading and writing about chapter 3 in part 2 of the novel. I gave you this handout, which included an assignment to write a paragraph response. I collected those at the end of the period.

Over the weekend you will finish reading the novel. We'll dive right into the ending on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Stranger - Day 5

Two translations of the novel.

  • When we first started reading the book, we discussed how this translation preserves the French word "Maman" in reference to Meursault's mother. That word translates to somewhere between "mother" and "mommy."  Other translators have rendered the first sentence differently. Stuart Gilbert translated it as "Mother died today."  
  • Today we will look at two translations of the end of Part 1 - the one in the book (Ward) and the one referred to above (Stuart).
  • How does this look at the language impact our thinking about Meursault, or about the novel overall?
Meursault's Moral Compass
  • What motivates him?
  • What are his beliefs / values?
  • What pushes him to action in this scene?
  • How do others see him?
    • Individually / Personally?
    • Legally?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Stranger - Day 4

We started today with a song about the powerful moment at the end of Part 1 (don't worry, I didn't sing it). It is by The Cure, who read the book when they were college students and just getting started as a band back in 1980. The song is called "Killing An Arab." The lyrics are at the end of this post, and a video, including scenes from a film version of the book and the full song, is posted to the right.

Then you worked with a partner to consider questions about what I am calling Meursault's Moral Compass.

  • When is Meursault acting as the subject / making active choices?
  • When is Meursault the object / doing what others tell him to do?
  • What are his reasons for acting this way?
I asked you to identify examples from chapters 3-6 (one from each) and we'll use those as the basis for our discussion.

“Killing an Arab”
- The Cure (R. Smith)

Standing on the beach
With a gun in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
Staring down the barrel
At the Arab on the ground
See his open mouth
But I hear no sound

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm a stranger
Killing an Arab

I can turn
And walk away
Or I can fire the gun
Staring at the sky
Staring at the sun
Whichever I choose
It amounts to the same
Absolutely nothing

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm a stranger
Killing an Arab

I feel the silver jump
Smooth in my hand
Staring at the sea
Staring at the sand
Staring at myself
Reflected in the eyes
Of the dead man on the beach
The dead man on the beach

I'm alive
I'm dead
I'm the stranger
Killing an Arab

(Oh Meursault)

The Stranger - Day 3

Happy Pi Day!

Today we started by listening to me read chapter 4. We explained how Meursault lives in an apartment building and is constantly seeing and interacting with others.

Then you selected one particular relationship / set of interactions Meursault has with another character: Marie, Raymond, or Salamano.

In a paragraph you answered these questions:

  • What is the nature of their interaction / relationship? What are the things they do / think about?
  • What does this relationship / interaction tell us about Meursault? (This will require some interpretation on your part)

Friday, March 11, 2016

The Stranger - Day 2

Today in class we worked in small groups to discuss chapters 1 & 2. The groups used the "Rules of Notice" from yesterday's handout to determine a topic and a question for discussion, plus quotations from both chapters. You will then lead a discussion with the whole class.

For the weekend, please read chapter 3.  The calendars are posted under the tab for The Stranger above.

The Stranger - Day 1

Today in class I gave you a copy of this handout, reminding us of the "Rules of Notice" for reading.  You then read chapter 1, and we had a short discussion about out initial observations.

I also shared some maps and pictures with you, giving you a sense of the setting. You can find these under the tab for the novel (above).

Locator Map of Algeria

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Myth of Sisyphus

Today in class we'll start our next unit by reading an essay by the author of our next book, Albert Camus: "The Myth of Sisyphus"

On this handout you will find a helpful glossary and some of the questions we'll discuss.

In class we wrote about three different ideas related to the essay: Punishment, Hope, and Happiness

Our discussion focused on the ways in which Camus re-envisions this classic myth to see Sisyphus as "happy." 


Monday, March 7, 2016

Life of Pi - Final Revisions for Essay

Happy Monday and Happy Kasmir Pulaski Day! (Remember when we used to have this day off?!)

The plan for today is simple - finish your essay. But it is also time for you to go over it and make sure it works, to make sure it is error-free, and to make sure it is your best possible work.

If. You have time, I highly recommend working with a partner or two and read each other's essays. Ask these questions:

  • Does my thesis work? Is there a clear central focus to my essay?
  • Do you understand the different sections / paragraphs? Do I have clear topic sentences?
  • Do I have enough evidence? Do I have a variety of evidence from a range of chapters? Have I represented different parts of the book?
  • Do I full explain all of my evidence, showing both what it means and how it helps to prove my thesis?
  • Do I have spelling or mechanical or other errors I need to correct?
Then, work to make sure you address these concerns and turn in your best version to by 11:59 tonight!

Good luck with it!

Also, don't forget - you need a copy of The Stranger by class on Wednesday (1st period) or Thursday (6th or 8th period).

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Life of Pi - Outline

The focus of today is work time - time to look over your notes and different parts of the book as you plan out your essay.

Please use this form to gather and focus your thoughts into an outline and share it with me by the end of the period.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016