Monday, March 7, 2016

Life of Pi - Final Revisions for Essay

Happy Monday and Happy Kasmir Pulaski Day! (Remember when we used to have this day off?!)

The plan for today is simple - finish your essay. But it is also time for you to go over it and make sure it works, to make sure it is error-free, and to make sure it is your best possible work.

If. You have time, I highly recommend working with a partner or two and read each other's essays. Ask these questions:

  • Does my thesis work? Is there a clear central focus to my essay?
  • Do you understand the different sections / paragraphs? Do I have clear topic sentences?
  • Do I have enough evidence? Do I have a variety of evidence from a range of chapters? Have I represented different parts of the book?
  • Do I full explain all of my evidence, showing both what it means and how it helps to prove my thesis?
  • Do I have spelling or mechanical or other errors I need to correct?
Then, work to make sure you address these concerns and turn in your best version to by 11:59 tonight!

Good luck with it!

Also, don't forget - you need a copy of The Stranger by class on Wednesday (1st period) or Thursday (6th or 8th period).