Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Stranger - Day 7

Today we'll work in pairs - I'll assign you one of these question to explore, based on what happens in the second chapter about the trial (Part 2, Chapter 4).

  1. Boredom. Meursault gets bored at his own trial. Is Meursault's boredom a sign of his emotional detachment or a description of what it's like to be on trial?
  2. The speeches of the prosecutor and the defense - how much of a difference is there between them? What are they each asking for?
  3. Silence. Meursault is told to keep silent. Why? If you were Meursault's lawyer, would you want him on the stand?
  4. The death penalty. Look closely at the prosecutor’s argument. How is he portraying Meursault? Why is he saying Meursault needs to be put to death?
  5. The lawyer's defense. What point is he trying to make about Meursault, and his soul? What do you think of the way he crafts his defense?
  6. Physical needs. What are the ways in which Meursault’s physical needs play a role in the trial? Think about sleep, sounds, images of Marie, the heat, and other details.
  7. The sentence. What type of sentence is Meursault and his lawyer expecting? Why?
  8. Remorse. Does Meursault feel it? What role does it play the scene?
  9. Meursault’s inner thoughts. What else is on his mind during this scene?

Once you're done with your initial conversation, I'm going to have you write a creative response. You will write a paragraph in the voice of your topic. So for example, you will write about "remorse" by starting this way: "I am remorse, and I feel..." I'll give more specific directions in class.