Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Life of Pi - Day 2

Today we'll talk about our names - their origin, their importance, their meaning, who made them, which names we prefer, and why. We'll then turn our attention to the book, read chapter 5, and discuss the name(s) of the main character.

Tonight's homework is to read chapter 4, and then 6-8. We will have time to start that in class.

Here is a link to the themes you named in the author's note yesterday - keep track of them as we go through the novel.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Life of Pi - Day 1

Today we'll start reading Yann Martel's Life of Pi.
You'll read the Author's Note at the start of the book. When you are finished, you'll name / identify three themes / key questions / main ideas, and describe what Martel says about them. You'll do this on a sheet of paper you'll turn in.
We'll discuss your responses as a way of getting us started in the book.

Tonight, please read through chapter 3.

Writing poetry

Today we wrote three different poems:

  • one based on words we collected on the board
  • one based on those same words, plus a second set, using the rhythm and structure of a first verse of a song you like
  • one as an "Ode" to one of the things on the brainstormed list we made of your favorite things / important people & places

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Contemporary Poetry

Poetry choices - 1st period

  1. Hamilton - (any song)
  2. J. Cole -  “Crooked Smile” / “False Prophets”
  3. Black-Eyed Peas - “Where is the Love”
  4. Train - “Drops of Jupiter”
  5. Get Lit Organization - “Somewhere in America”
  6. Megadeth - “Holy Wars - The Punishment Due”
  7. Cobie Callait - “Try”
  8. Maya Angelou - “Still I Rise”
  9. Chance the Rapper - “Same Drugs”
  10. Drake - “Back to Back (Freestyle)
    1. http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/drake/backtobackfreestyle.html

Poetry choices - 2nd period

  1. Hamilton (any song)
  2. Black-Eyed Peas - “Where is the Love”
  3. Macklemore - “Same Love”
  4. Get Lit Organization - “Somewhere in America”
  5. Tim McGraw - “Humble and Kind”
  6. Maya Angelou - “Caged Bird”
  7. Lauren Alania - “Road Less Traveled”
  8. Kendrick Lamar - “HiiiPoWer”
  9. Jamila Woods - “beverly, huh”
  10. Shane Koyzcan - “To This Day”
    1. https://genius.com/Shane-koyczan-to-this-day-annotated

  • Read through / watch through the song / poem
  • Which parts of it speak to you? Why?
  • What is happening poetically that is different from writing / talking about these ideas in another form? Where do you see that happening?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

STAR testing and a quick survey

We'll start the day by completing the next STAR test.
Please do your best on this reading comprehension test. Again, this is so I can understand how you read and learn. Do your best.       
  • Click here to go to the link for the test.
  • For your username, use the same name you are logging into the Chromebooks and computers with.
  • Your password is your student ID number - but ONLY the number  - i.e. 120XXXX - if you are unable to gain access after TWO tries, please ask for help before trying a third time.
  • You will be presented with two choices - select STAR Reading
  • Sometimes, the system will request a “Monitor Password.” If this happens to you, the password is “admin”
  • If you are presented with a list of teachers, please select “Rigler”
  • Take the test! Do the best you can! 
When you are finished, please take the time to complete this quick survey:

Monday, January 23, 2017

Welcome to Second Semester!

Greetings! Woohoo! Here it is - second semester of senior year! Very exciting!

Got your countdown going yet?

We'll start next week with Life of Pi - please pick up a copy of it and have it in class on Monday.

This week? Some poetry...

Yeah you need to see the lyrics to that - check 'em out here.

Friday, January 13, 2017

One last resource - and good luck!

In the description of the final exam, I mention the handout on Explications - you will need it to answer #2 for the part 1 of the exam. Here it is:

Good luck with your finals!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Semester 1 Final Exam

Here is a link to the first semester final exam. We will be working on it in class all week, once you are finished with your project for Things Fall Apart.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Things Fall Apart - Day 12

Today we finished reading the novel. Our discussion centered around the title, turning it into a question: Why do Things Fall Apart?

On one hand, we have the missionaries, and the various ways in which their actions impacted the lives of the Ibo. They presented a new system of beliefs, new ways of government, new language, and new types of people - the white man.

On the other hand, there were many challenges to the ways of the Ibo from within the clan - Okonkwo acting selfishly, Obierika questioning certain customs, Nwoye disagreeing with the values, and the Osu living lives as outcasts are just a few examples.

So did change happen because of internal issues or external pressures? Was it by individual choice or mass coercion?

What does it mean to see the story through the eyes and perspective of the Ibo, especially Okonkwo, a character we may find reprehensible?

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Things Fall Apart - Day 11

Today we'll discuss beliefs, knowledge, and change - three major categories of ideas within the novel. After some individual writing you'll work with a partner to complete these questions.

Things Fall Apart - Day 10

Welcome back from winter break!

To help use get back into the world of school as well as the world of the novel, we'll do a whip-around to start the day. Think about something you did over winter break as it relates to one of the topics we've named as central to the book so far:
  • Customs, Traditions, and Rituals
    • Following them
    • Questioning them
  • Power
  • Physical strength
  • Gender issues
  • Titles - achievements
  • Religion - spirituality
  • Elders
    • Respect for
    • Questioning of
  • Family
    • Parent / child
    • Siblings
  • Proverbs - sayings
  • People / groups from the outside presenting a challenge to established order
After we share those, we'll read chapter 22 together and discuss the rising tension between the missionaries and the Ibo.

Things Fall Apart - Day 9

Today we made African masks! Here are a few photos of the process and the results: