Tuesday, January 24, 2017

STAR testing and a quick survey

We'll start the day by completing the next STAR test.
Please do your best on this reading comprehension test. Again, this is so I can understand how you read and learn. Do your best.       
  • Click here to go to the link for the test.
  • For your username, use the same name you are logging into the Chromebooks and computers with.
  • Your password is your student ID number - but ONLY the number  - i.e. 120XXXX - if you are unable to gain access after TWO tries, please ask for help before trying a third time.
  • You will be presented with two choices - select STAR Reading
  • Sometimes, the system will request a “Monitor Password.” If this happens to you, the password is “admin”
  • If you are presented with a list of teachers, please select “Rigler”
  • Take the test! Do the best you can! 
When you are finished, please take the time to complete this quick survey: