Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Things Fall Apart - Day 10

Welcome back from winter break!

To help use get back into the world of school as well as the world of the novel, we'll do a whip-around to start the day. Think about something you did over winter break as it relates to one of the topics we've named as central to the book so far:
  • Customs, Traditions, and Rituals
    • Following them
    • Questioning them
  • Power
  • Physical strength
  • Gender issues
  • Titles - achievements
  • Religion - spirituality
  • Elders
    • Respect for
    • Questioning of
  • Family
    • Parent / child
    • Siblings
  • Proverbs - sayings
  • People / groups from the outside presenting a challenge to established order
After we share those, we'll read chapter 22 together and discuss the rising tension between the missionaries and the Ibo.