Monday, April 14, 2014

Examining Philosophical Assertions

Today in class we continued on work on how we ask philosophical questions.

Using the set of questions on this handout you each wrote about two sections of Part 1 of the book.  The idea was that even though these might not be the questions you will work with for your essay, this is still helping you to know how best to explore your issue once you identify it.

Here are the questions we used:

  1. What are its assumptions and premises?
    1. What is it assuming to be true?
    2. What conditions is it assuming to exist?
    3. What is it suggesting about the different people involved?
  2. What are its implications?
    1. If this is true then what else is true?  Why?
  3. What different types or contexts exist?
    1. When does / doesn’t it work?
  4. What do the specific terms mean?
  5. Who else shares this belief or perspective, and why?
    1. Are there other people in the book who this does / doesn’t apply to?  Why?
  6. Where do you stand in terms of this idea?
    1. Do you agree / disagree with it?
    2. Does it apply only in certain circumstances?
    3. Do you only accept parts of the idea?