Monday, April 28, 2014

Philosophy Essay - Envisioning the next two weeks

Happy rainy Monday!
Not many Mondays of high school left!
I hope you had a great weekend.

For today, the goal is to get your head around your research strategy and the timetable of the next two weeks. We will meet in the computer lab every day and the time is entirely yours.

By now, hopefully you have written a significant portion of part 1. This will not only help you to clarify your question(s) and the (potential) focus of your work, but also give you more language to use when you are searching for a philosopher.  Identifying key terms is an essential step for successful research.

Thinking about the literary text you will use is also a priority item. The choice might be a clear one, or it might require going back to both the text and the essay(s) you wrote about it.  Your issue might not have been raised directly in the text, but for any of your questions there will certainly be something to work with in it.

Also, keep in mind that the dialogues will take place during class on Thursday. There is no special preparation you need to do for that day. You will write all of section 4 that day, so do not plan on having class time to do work on different sections.

Lastly, feel free to check in with me at any point during the process, either during class or my office hours. I'm happy to help you in any way I can!

May your thinking be filled with powerful thoughts and questions!