Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Final Exam

Here is a link to the first semester final exam

Here is a link to the rubric for the final exam

Some people have asked for models to read. Here are three for you to check out, but I do want to clarify a few things first:

  • The work you are turning in to me is to be double-spaced. The spacing on some of the samples is not.
  • Some of these samples are longer than the assigned length of four pages. I'd like you to pay attention to the ways in which these writers explore and express their ideas, even though they go on a bit longer than assigned. Remember that a longer essay doesn't mean it is better!

Here is a link to an example of a final that received an "A"

Here is a link to another example of an "A" final

Here is a link to an example of a final that received a "B"