Monday, January 26, 2015

Second Semester Seniors!!

Greetings and welcome to second semester of senior year!  Woohoo!

I hope finals week went well, and that you were able to chill out this past weekend.  As for the final for this class, as a whole they were excellent. I spent many days reading through your ideas, interpretations, commentary, and connections. I've very proud of the work you've done.  The grades for individual assignments are in If you'd like to meet to discuss any part of your semester grade, or any of the individual essays, we will have time to do that this week.

Today I am spending the day with the English department course fair, telling future students about their choices for English classes. I'm sorry I can't be there with you.

Here is the plan for today:

  1. Make sure you are signed up to receive e-mails from this blog - it is there in the upper right-hand corner. We will be using the blog quite a bit this semester, especially as we get to fourth quarter.
  2. You need to purchase our next book, Life of Pi, by Wednesday (1st period) or Thursday (6th and 7th period). You will need it during class on that day.
  3. Remember how I like to post videos on the blog? At first I thought I'd change these each day, but I wasn't able to get to it that often. If you'd like, take a minute to check out the video I just posted about these amazing moving sculptures.
  4. Speaking of videos, many people love watching viral videos, especially of animals. I've even posted a few (pandas, hamsters).
    1. Spend some time surfing through youtube and elsewhere on the internet to find a fun video to share with the class - it has to be somehow related to animals, and obviously must be appropriate to show in school.  Copy the URL - you'll need it to complete the next step.
  5. Complete this questionnaire - it is a chance for us to catch up a little bit on things related to class and beyond.
    1. Here is a link to the questionnaire (in case you didn't click above)