Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life of Pi - Week #1


First of all, as you read this I am on my way to Philadelphia to help out with some family health emergencies. Both my mother and niece are in challenging situations, and now that I've finished grading finals I will be out there for the rest of the week.

I know this makes for a not-so-fun way of kicking off the second semester of your senior year in English, but you know I'll make it up to you.  I also know my 7th period class might have heard about the wandering around the school and telling stories that my 1st and 6th period classes did - we'll get to that next week!

Also, I had planned to have individual conferences with you during the reading time to discuss your final and first semester grades. Although they will soon be posted, I still plan to have those conversations next week.

So the next few days will look like this:

  • 1st period
    • Wed. - Introduce the novel; read author's note; HW: Ch. 1-5
    • Thu. - Reading day; HW: Ch. 6-14
  • 6th period
    • Thu. - Introduce the novel; read author's note; HW: Ch. 1-5
    • Fri. - Reading day; HW: Ch. 6-14
  • 7th period
    • Wed. - Introduce the novel; read author's note; HW: Ch. 1-5
    • Thu. - Reading day; HW: Ch. 6-14
    • Fri. - Reading / work day
The sub will have more details for you.  Thanks - have a great week!