Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Life of Pi - Interpretive Questions

Today we discussed and created "interpretive questions" - questions based on ideas raised in the text, incorporating both a close look at the language of the text and its broader implications.  These questions follow this basic format:
  • When the text says (quote) does it mean (interpretation)? If so, then (implication)?
Here is the sample one I created:
  • When Pi says, "the attention brought to making each one of these mass-produced goods felt like a special attention paid to me," (144-5) does he mean mass-produced things aren't usually thought of as "special" or providing something meaningful? If so, then does an object have its own value, or only what we bring to it?
In addition, you had the chance to respond to the text on a personal / reflective level, using one of these questions:

  • What feelings did this part of the book awaken in you?
  • What line specifically calls out to you for a response - and what is that response?
  • What image(s) did the text call to mind? Why are these significant?
  • Upon what, in the text, did you focus most intently as you read?
  • What is the most important word (in this section) to you? Why?
  • What is there in the text that you have the most trouble understanding?
  • Did you respond emotionally or intellectually to this book? How / why?
  • Did you feel involved with or distant from the work?