Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Life of Pi - Routines and Rituals

I asked you to write about your daily routine - to name what you do on a typical school day from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep. In addition to the actions that play a practical role, list everything else - emotions, thoughts, other actions.

Then you wrote about your routine during a particular event - one that appears with some regularity, but not each day.  This might include preparing to play a sport, rehearse a dance, go to a club meeting, attend a worship service, etc.

Then we discussed these questions:

  • How are those (two different lists) routines similar / different? Why?
  • Why do we have routines?
  • When / How do we set them?
  • What different categories are there in your routine?
Then we looked at the routine Pi describes in chapter 63.
  • How is his routine similar to / different from yours? Why?
  • What are some things included on yours and not on his / vice-versa? Why?
  • What are some of the different ways we can categorize what happens in your routines?
    • for example, does Pi have anything he does just for pleasure? Are there things he does because he is lonely? What is the role of prayer?
Our conversation then turned to prayer - why do people pray? Does it serve a particular purpose? When does it appear for Pi? For you?