Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A first look at Philosophy - "I Believe" statements

Welcome back from spring break, and welcome to being a 4th quarter senior!

To start our unit (our last unit!) on Philosophy, you wrote several statements beginning with the phrase "I believe."  Then, I asked you to consider these questions as a way to probe around at different layers of meaning and interpretations of your statement:

Types of questions used to challenge and expand an existing question:

  1. What are its assumptions and premises?
  2. What are its implications?
    1. If this is true, what else is?
  3. What different types or contexts exist?
    1. When does / doesn’t it work?
  4. What do the specific terms mean?
  5. What are the reasons underlying the questions / answers?
  6. Who else shares this belief or perspective, and why?

You shared your writing about your statement in class - this is also an important step. I want you to have the confidence to both share your beliefs and be willing to engage in dialogue about them, to hear questions about them, and to be able to explain yourself.

** Be sure to own a copy of Man's Search for Meaning for class tomorrow!