Monday, April 20, 2015

Philosophy Project - Let's Get It Started!

Happy Monday!

The top priority for today is to submit your question proposal. Again, the form is already in your Senior English folder in your Google Drive. Let me know when you've completed it and I will respond to it right away.

After that, take the time to review the assignment and this Planning and Expectations Guide - it names the step for each day and a suggested progression for the overall project. None of these are required check-ins. However, if at any time you want to show me what you've written or talk through it, or sit and discuss something you've read, let's make that happen.

Here are some suggestions to get started on Part 1 today:
  • Tell a story or two about a time when this question played a role in your life, or had some bearing on your society.  
  • Describe the ways in which you arrived at this meaning. 
    • Who influenced you?
    • Have your feelings about it changed?
  • This section is personal, like a journal entry – tell stories, ask questions, be messy, explore your ideas.
  • Think and write about the questions we have been using:
    • What are its assumptions and premises?
      • What is it assuming to be true?
      • What conditions is it assuming to exist?
      • What is it suggesting about the different people involved?
    • What are its implications?
      • If this is true then what else is true?  Why?
    • What different types or contexts exist?
      • When does / doesn’t it work?
    • What do the specific terms mean?
    • Who else shares this belief or perspective, and why?
      • Are there other people (in the book, in the world) who this does / doesn’t apply to?  Why?
    • Where do you stand in terms of this idea?
      • Do you agree / disagree with it?
      • Does it apply only in certain circumstances?
      • Do you only accept parts of the idea?