Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Philosophy Project - Time to start thinking about literary connections

OK, so most of you have completed the question proposal and are well on your way into Part 1 - go you! Refer back to the previous post for ideas about how to keep pushing your thinking for Part 1, if you need.

What's next?  Part 2!
It is time to figure out which book(s) you will use for this section. Here is a reminder of what this section is all about:

  • Explore the ways in which a work of literature we have studied (or multiple texts) address this question – what new aspects of it are introduced?  Does it agree or disagree with your take on the question?  How does the language of the author as well as the construction of the story communicate this?  Think of this section as a single-text analytic essay, with a working thesis.
So how can you get there? Try these steps:
  1. Brainstorm by yourself or with a partner which books might fit into your question.
    1. Oedipus / Antigone
    2. Hamlet
    3. The God of Small Things
    4. Things Fall Apart
    5. Life of Pi
    6. The Stranger
    7. Man's Search for Meaning
  2. Look back at what you already wrote about these books - all of your essays - and my comments about them - should still be in
  3. Note that it does not need to be an exact fit - it might be that a character(s) does / thinks something related to your topic in some way. It might actually expand your own thinking about your question (hopefully!)
  4. Remember YOU do not appear in this section - you are keeping a critical distance and just talking about how your question appears in the book.