Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Man's Search For Meaning - Day 5

We'll start today with a look at a page of Talmud - it is a central text in Rabbinic Judaism and our interest in it is not with its content but with its structure. As you can see from the image below, a page of Talmud consists of a central piece of text surrounded by a variety of comments, questions, and interpretations. The amazing thing about it is how the collection preserves a conversation across thousands of years - the emphasis is on showing the different perspectives and the reasons behind them, not just the conclusion. Check it out:

We'll use that format as we discuss the end of part 1 today. Working in a group, you'll create your own "talmud" page, based on this structure:

Examples from the book in support of the base text
Base text - quotation from book
Examples from other sources in support of the base text

Philosophical question suggested by the base text

Questions related to base text - implications and related ideas
Questions - challenges to the base text - doubts, concerns, and opposing viewpoints
Counter examples from the book or other sources

Conclusions - your beliefs about this