Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Stranger - Day 11 - Thoughts for your essay

As you work on your essay today, keep these things in mind:

  1. In each of the body paragraphs where you juxtapose Meursault with another character, remember to focus on a particular belief / value / action. For example, you might connect him with another character in terms of their thoughts about religion, or death, or authority, or relationships. Make sure you are not just talking about a scene in which those two characters interact. You might even compare / contrast Meursault with a character who never speaks! 
  2. You can compare / contrast Meursault with the other character in any way that works - maybe it is a complete contrast, or a deep connection, or anywhere in between - go with it!
  3. Your conclusion is about Meursault and / or the society in which he lives. Maybe there are ways the three characters overlap in terms of a shared value or idea - and that might even go beyond the obvious. Be open to discovery as you think about Meursault and the novel overall.
Please remember to buy a copy of Man's Search For Meaning for tomorrow - it's our last book together!