Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Philosophy Project - Thoughts about Part 3

Part 3 of your project is not about you. The focus is on a different person - the voice of a philosopher whose work you are reading for the first time. This person may present views that are totally different from yours, or may even cause you to change your beliefs, or may be someone you completely agree with, or anywhere in between.

What is the structure of Part 3?

  • Start by naming your philosopher and giving a short overview of their ideas. Then, organize paragraphs around sections of their ideas, probably based on their own sub-topics.
Am I using a lot of quotations?
  • Absolutely. Remember, you are not writing in the first person - you are explicating another person's ideas. You will use a lot of quotations by that author, and then explain what they mean. 
Am I making connections back to my ideas or to the literature from section 2?
  • No. You will do that in Part 5 next week.