Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hamlet - Day 15

We'll work in groups today to examine Act V.  We will work together to create Grande Tableaux of the funeral in Act V, Scene 1, the sword fight in V.2, and the final scene. Each group will be assigned a character, and work to select a line, develop a pose, and determine the character's inner thoughts. In hearing from each group, we examined the relationships between characters, as well as how the characters and their relationships have evolved. We'll also generate a list of themes / topics relating to this act and the play overall.

Then, in an individual piece of writing, you'll spend 10 or so minutes writing a response to this question:

  • Which of these characters, in which of these moments, best offers you a "window" into Hamlet? Which character do you personally connect with / disagree with, how so?

We'll then move to look at this list of questions as the starting point for our final discussion.
At the end I'll share this proposal form with you - it is not due until Monday at the end of class, but I imagine many of you will want to complete it sooner.