Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hamlet - Day 19

For class on Thursday, you selected an 8-10 line passage from Hamlet - one you plan on using for your essay / project. It could be one you already have a lot to say about or one you have a general sense of and want to explore further.

We started by having a series of one-on-one conversations, rotating through different partners to discuss your chosen passage. After that, you continued to rotate through new partners, this time having a general brainstorming conversation about your essay / project. The goal was to find other sections of the text to interpret.

Lastly, we discussed several of these passages as a whole class. We worked our way through all five acts, revisiting parts of the play we hadn't discussed in nearly a month.

Hopefully you finished today with a solid sense of which parts of the play you'll use in your individual work!