Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Paradise Now - Weekend Journal Response

Over the weekend, please respond to these questions in your notebook. I will not be collecting these, but you will be using them as the jumping-off point of your essay about the film (and this unit).

  • What effect is achieved by showing silent close ups of each important character at the end of Paradise Now, finishing with an extreme close up of Said’s eyes? How did it make you feel?
  • What do you think Hany Abu-Assad, the film’s director, wants us to take away from the film? Explain this in detail, referring to specific moments / images from the film.
  • By the time the film reaches its end, Abu-Assad has given us three characters—Said, Khaled, and Suha—in great detail. Which ONE of these characters do you find yourself most drawn to, intrigued by or wondering about? Which of these three characters do you find yourself thinking most about? Explain, focusing on not only a few specific moments in the film, but also a few thoughts or experiences of your own to further elaborate.
  • Identify a few ways Paradise Now is in dialogue with Antigone and/or Hamlet. What concerns and questions does Abu-Assad seem interested in that Sophocles and Shakespeare were also exploring in, respectively, Antigone and Hamlet? Explain, referring to specifics in both the film and the two plays.
If you are interested, here are some resources: