Thursday, November 3, 2016


Google Slides - Words

I'll assign you a number. Go to that slide - there is a word on it. Spend the next ten minutes collecting images that somehow illustrate your word - whatever you want to use will be fine. Design the slide however you want (please do not change the settings for the whole slide show) by do be sure to include the word.

After we made the slideshow, I asked you to identify one slide that affirms your prior thinking about that term, and one slide that challenges or complicates your understanding of it. Describe what it is about these images that made you put it in one of those categories - do this in your notebook.

For homework, please read this article - it is by Ari Shavit, an Israeli author and politician. It is the introduction to his recent book, My Promised Land. Just read the article and be prepared to talk about it / work with it on Monday. Feel free to print it out, but realize there are blank pages in there.