Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The day after election day - and moving ahead

Here is a link to the transcript of Trump's speech from last night.

Here is a link to a video I had planned to show today, and we will watch during the second half of class.

Here is a link to a transcript of the video.

On Monday you will write, by hand, a brief rhetorical analysis essay. The purpose of this essay is to argue for a specific interpretation of either Ari Shavit’s Introduction to his My Promised Land or Zak Ebrahim’s TED Talk: “I am the Son of a Terrorist: Here’s How I Chose Peace,” through analyzing the writer’s/speakers rhetoric.
In preparing for this essay, carefully consider the rhetorical devices that most contribute to the message or ideas explored within the piece. 
Come in with 5 different devices (italicized on document) prepared, per piece.