Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Life of Pi - Day 10

Ok, so maybe you aren't singing Destiny's Child in your head when you are reading the book, but we do know that Pi will survive. Somehow.

Yesterday we made a list of the different ways in which fear plays a role during his ordeal at sea - fear of being killed by Richard Parker, fear of not being found and dying of starvation or dehydration, fear of being lonely and not seeing his family again, fear of the ocean and the elements, and fear of the unknown. But we also noted what he does in response to this fear - he accepts his situation and keeps himself busy, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

As we read through the next sections of the book, continue to think about Pi and his situation - what else is happening to him out there? What are the physical, mental, and spiritual factors in this story?

Lastly, we'll write about rituals and routines by looking at chapters 63,74, and 75. What different types of rituals and routines is Pi engaging in here? Why? What is the value / role / importance of those routines?