Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Life of Pi - Day 6

Yesterday we spoke about the idea of a "leap of faith" - here's a version of it from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:

Today you will have time to read chapters 30-36, finishing part 1 of the novel. While you are reading, please select a line from either that reading or last night's section (24-29). Choose a line that would be the basis of an interesting discussion - one you will lead with your small group. Copy that line into your notebook for now, and I'll give more instructions later.

After a discussion about the one line you select, you'll work together to name some ideas about what you think this book is about so far. We're at the end of Part 1, so doing this gives us a chance to get our head around it all. We'll list these on the board, and then take a few minutes to do some personal reflecting on one of those ideas - something engaging your interest.