Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Antigone - Day 1

Happy Tuesday! Hope you had a great weekend!

Today you worked with a partner to read and study the first section of the play. I gave you some background information about Polyneices and Eteocles, the two brothers, sons of Oedipus, who killed each other in battle.  You read the first 101 lines - a dialogue between Antigone and Ismene.  I asked you to keep track of these factors for the two sisters:

  • Beliefs
  • Actions
  • Reasons
We shared these and had a brief discussion about the ways in which they are addressing the competing values that inform their beliefs and actions.  We then turned our attention to Creon and the speech he gives on lines 156-204. I asked you to keep track of the same factors as you did for the sisters above.