Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Antigone Day 2 - Competing Values

The day started with some personal writing, naming the different factors that might influence your decision-making - this could be anything from a minor daily decision to major life events. Some of the factors we named included: Parents, the law, Religion / God, Money, Time, Personal goals, social pressure, transportation, and many more. Then, I asked you to think of a time in your life when two (or more) of these factors came into conflict. You briefly described the situation, and then write about how you tried to resolve it. Did you choose one side? Why? What are the ways in which you tried to figure out what to do?

We then turned our attention to national / societal issues. With a group you named an issue and the factors that potentially inform a person's feelings / beliefs about it. For example, we talked about abortion and named these issues: fear, law, religion, health, future plans, crime, money, access, and more.

Tomorrow in class we'll share our findings and then bring those ideas back into our discussion of the play, specifically to the actions of Creon and Antigone.