Sunday, September 25, 2016

Hamlet - Day 4

Greetings! Happy Monday! I'm on a field trip with my American Studies class today, so I won't be with you this morning.

Please get into your groups and follow these directions:

Today’s theme is “Asking / Telling another person what to do, and why.” 
Your group will discuss Act 1, scenes 3-5. In those scenes, several characters fit into today’s topic:
  • Laertes talking to Ophelia
  • Ophelia talking to Laertes
  • Polonius talking to Ophelia
  • Horatio talking to Hamlet
  • The Ghost talking to Hamlet
After you talk through these scenes to recap what happens, your group will explore these five examples of one person “asking / telling another person what to do, and why.”

In a Google Doc you will share with me (and everyone in your group - be sure to list everyone’s names) you will list for each example:

  • A quotation
  • Commentary explaining what the person is asking / telling the other person to do, and why
  • A sentence or two considering what this adds to your understanding of the characters involved or of the play overall
Tomorrow we will meet in E114 to watch the film version of Act I!

And if you actually read this far, go check out today's video - it's Radiohead covering a great Neil Young song that fits into today's theme: "Tell Me Why"