Thursday, September 8, 2016

Antigone - Day 3 - New issues and challenges

We started the day with a brief look at the posters we made yesterday, naming national issues and the different factors influencing people's perspectives. We circled back to our question: What do we do when different values come into conflict with each other?

Next we returned to the play and read through the conversation between Creon and Haemon starting on line 649. What are their different reasons behind their actions and beliefs? What new factors appear in this section?

Lastly, we read Antigone's speech, focusing on lines 883-887 - what is she asking here? Our discussion explored the ways in which this seems to be a crisis of faith.

I gave you your assignment to conclude our work with Antigone, which will continue next week. Please be sure to check the calendar and read through the "Notes on Essay Options" under the "General Handouts" tab for more details.