Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Antigone - Day 4

Welcome back! I hope you had a great weekend. If you celebrated the holiday, I wish you a sweet and healthy new year. If you aren't celebrating the holiday, I wish that for you too!

As we get into this short week, please keep in mind your first major essay for this class. It is about Antigone and it is due Monday for 1st and 6th periods, and Tuesday for 8th period.  Remember your choices are between a single text analytic essay, a personal / hybrid essay, and a creative project. You can find detailed descriptions of those here.

We'll get back into things with a return to the dialogues you read with a small group at the end of last week. We'll then have a short in-class writing assignment about the play, again using the explication rubric you've seen over the past few weeks.

For tomorrow, please read this essay in preparation for class.

Lastly, don't forget your journal entries. They are due on the day the essay is due next week.  Here is a link to the rubric I will use to evaluate them.