Friday, September 25, 2015

Hamlet - Day Two - Ghosts

Today we spent some time writing and thinking about ghosts:

  • What do they usually do?
  • When do they appear?
  • What might they mean / represent?
We shared answers to those questions, and then some ghost stories, as a way of talking about the ghost that appears in Act I, scene 1.

You also met with your small group for the first time in a new room configuration - you will stay with these groups throughout our study of the play.

With those groups you read Act 1, scene 1 and discussed these questions:
  • What does the ghost look like?
  • What do the characters want to know from it?
  • What is the back history we learn in this scene?
Don't forget to check the calendar for your homework - you are reading Act 1, scene 2 this weekend.