Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Antigone - Day 5

At the start of class today you received back the paragraph you wrote in class yesterday about Tieresias. It included feedback based on the same rubric we've been using to guide our work with explications. After that I shared this example paragraph with you - it is a paragraph I put together using some of the best comments I saw in your work:

Then you wrote short explications about the description of the deaths of Antigone and Haemon. We shared these in class as a way to discuss the end of the play.

For tomorrow, I recommend you do these things:
  1. Make sure you've carefully read (and re-read) the entire play.
  2. Make sure you read the critical essay I shared with you yesterday.
  3. Decide which type of essay you want to write: single-text analytic, personal / hybrid, or creative. Make sure you know the expectations for each one.
  4. Read through this list of suggested questions for discussion. Select a few that might be of interest to you - ones you might want to write about for your essay. Be prepared to discuss them tomorrow.