Thursday, September 17, 2015

Antigone - Day 6

In class we discussed how to structure your essay. I gave you detailed descriptions of each section of the essay, naming what to make sure you include.

Here are a few highlights:
  • Single-text analytic essay
    • Introduction does not include a dictionary definition, rhetorical question, or random quotation
    • Arguable thesis - not just a re-statement of ideas present in the text
    • Topic sentences for each paragraph - also called a sub-claim - a component of your thesis to be addressed in this section
    • Extensive use of evidence from all parts of the play
    • Analysis of all evidence including a sense of the literary features (tone, word choice, structure, etc.) as well as a clear sense of why this evidence matters to help prove your thesis
    • An overall organization clearly flowing from one point to the next
    • Avoid using first person or second person
    • Conclusion re-states the thesis and main points from the paper and then thoughtfully suggests further implications or alternate perspectives within the text
  • Personal / Hybrid essay
    • Select one story / example as your focus - something that happened to you, a current event, another text, etc. - not a variety of smaller connections
    • Have a clear topic and focus for the essay - this does not necessarily have to be in the form of a thesis. This is an exploration of an idea, not an argument about it.
    • Create a structure that places your story next to the text during each section of your essay. The closer the two are to each other, the more opportunities you have to make connections, comparisons, and contrasts.
    • Use detailed evidence from both stories
    • Analyze and explain what the evidence is meant to show
  • Creative project
    • Remember you are still creating and proving a thesis about the play with your project
    • The reflective writing is an important component of the project - be sure to read the details about it
Please let me know if you have further questions - good luck with it!