Monday, September 28, 2015

Hamlet - Day 3 #Hashtags

We started today with a short quiz - a check for your level of understanding at this early stage in our reading.

Then, with your groups, you explored an assigned section of Act 1, scene 2:

  • lines 1-40
  • lines 41-66
  • lines 67-89
  • lines 90-121
  • lines 165-196
  • lines 197- end of scene

After a short discussion of what happens in those lines you created three Hashtags to represent it.
What are hashtags? They are short bits of language used to do several different things:
  • a word or phrase used to identify a key idea
  • a word or phrase used to comment or show a perspective / opinion
  • a word or phrase used to link that idea to similar ones appearing elsewhere on social media
  • a word or phrase used to allow others to search for and find it
For your three hashtags, you created two of them with people in your group, and one of them used language from your assigned section of the text.


6th period

8th period